Sponsor Banner Packages
Promote your business or organization and support Black Knights athletic programs by purchasing banner(s) to be displayed at one or more of the CHS athletic facilities. Your banner(s) will be highly visible with exposure to hundreds of spectators attending events throughout the school year, including:
CHS athletic events (8 stadium sports teams throughout the school year)
Cavalcade regional marching band competition (over 3,000 participants and spectators)
Tom Sox baseball
SOCA practices and games
Adult soccer leagues
Youth football leagues
Track and field competitions
YMCA Youth Sports
Printed Program Ads
If a banner sponsorship doesn’t fit your company’s needs, please consider placing an ad in CHS’s printed Fall, Winter, and Spring athletics programs. Your advertisement will appear in all three programs.
2024-2025 Program ad pricing
Full page ad: $400
½ page ad: $200
¼ page ad: $100
Sample Program
See below for additional information on sponsorship opportunities and email sponsorship@bkac.org with any questions or if you are interested in becoming a sponsor.